National Dental Examining Board of Canada (NDEB) Practice Exam 2024 - Free NDEB Practice Questions and Study Guide.

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In a child patient, normal gingiva is diagnosed on the basis of what?

Color and size

Texture and color

Contour and sulcus depth

Gingiva is a term used to describe the gums surrounding our teeth. In a child, the diagnosis of normal gingiva is based on their contour, which refers to the shape of the gum tissue, and the sulcus depth, which is the space between the gum and the tooth. Option A, color and size, may be important factors in diagnosing gingiva in adults, but not necessarily in children. Option B, texture and color, are also important factors, but they do not specifically refer to the shape or space of the gums. Option D, bleeding on probing, can be a sign of inflammation or infection in the gums, but it does not determine the overall health and normalcy of the gingiva. Therefore, option C is the best answer as it directly relates to the specific criteria for diagnosing normal gingiva in children.

Bleeding on probing


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